Mission Statement
Our daily lives consist of a web of cognitive tasks including the functions of sensing and behavior depending on the circumstances. There are fundamental parts of cognitive function such as recognition, attention, and memory; High-level cognitive functions such as language, thought, feeling, and judgment, however, help give human beings an intelligent edge over other animals. While there have been breakthroughs unlocking the secrets of brain function for the past years, we still have a long way to go in terms of the understanding of human brain on the bases of anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry. A major impediment to the challenge might be that it is quite daunting to overcome some technological limits because the subject of research is not a guinea pig, but the very human being.
Thanks to recent technological advances, however, ground-breaking imaging tools for brain mapping have been developed and put into practical use. That means that brain mapping can be obtained both through EEG or MEG measuring the electrical or magnetic signals from the brain and through SPECT, PET, fMRI measuring the metabolic or hemodynamic activities of the brain. In addition, physio- and biochemical-mapping can be realized owing to such new imaging tools as MRS, DTI, OCT, and TMS. Now it is expected that more research will be needed to enhance the understanding of normal brain functions building on the above cutting-edge technologies, and promote the availability in the diagnosis and treatment of numerous brain diseases. Besides, engineering research will also be needed to better analyze the brain mapping data and to develop a tool with more accuracy and precision.
Today brain mapping and its associated technologies are being actively sought in America and Europe. In the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, an international brain mapping society, for example, there are many researchers from across the globe devoting themselves in publication and information sharing with one another. In case of South Korea, however, it is unfortunate that there is no appropriate rallying stage to do the same functions although there are many local researchers with keen interests in brain mapping across diverse schools and institutions. In fact, only micro-scale research is being conducted and macro-scale research such as brain mapping is being left out in the cold.
Against this backdrop, we are intended to found the Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM) by brining together local researchers studying brain mapping. In a sense, the foundation of the KHBM should mean more than just providing an academic arena for researchers in brain mapping. Its mission may well include building up Koreans characteristic brain mapping data on our own, considering the fact that racial or cultural factors may make some difference in brain mapping. We sincerely hope that the KHBM would take hold to become a solid foundation for those who leading cutting-edge medical technologies across the nation in a new millennium.
After our society was established in 2002, not only the number of research and researcher in the field of mapping brain function has been increased but also the level of the research has been continuously improved. Based on it, the society is trying to inform the research ability internationally as a country leading to brain research. With our members’ abilities, OHBM(Organization for Human Brain Mapping) which is the most important international conference in the domain of mapping brain function has been facing open on June 2021.
Since the brain controls both mind and body of human beings, the complicated structure and function seem to be more mysterious. We now procure up-to-date technology for mapping the brain function due to rapid development of the technology in modern science. This helps us to study mysteriousness of the normal human brain and further to apply the technology of mapping brain function to diagnosis and treatment of unknown brain diseases. Accordingly, we who are associated with brain function mapping have a responsibility of investigating the brain function and conquering the brain diseases. Unfortunately, we still feel inadequate to accomplish the responsibility.
Because the brain function mapping is interdisciplinary study, many researchers from different study fields have been participating in our society. As an executive team, we would strive for merging the relevant study fields and providing forum for information exchange between the researchers in order to achieve our responsibility. Lastly, we hope that many relevant researchers would join in the task for developing the brain function mapping further with our society.
Jae-Jin KimPresident of Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping
Hae Jeong ParkSecretary of Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping
Established: Nov 29, 2002
First Revision: Nov 19, 2004
Second Revision: Nov 3, 2006
Third Revision: Nov 6, 2015
Article 1. Name of Society
This society shall be named the “Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping”, and is referred below as “the Society”.
Article 2. Purpose
The purpose of the Society is to clarify the functions of the human brain, strive for the development of brain function mapping and imaging methods, promote academic advances in these areas, and through these efforts, contribute to the examination and treatment of brain-related diseases. Furthermore, it will enhance harmonious relations among members and promote their rights and interests.
Article 3. Research Committees
The Society may establish research committees; such committees will maintain close relationships with the Society.
Article 4. Agenda
The Society will engage in the following activities to accomplish its purpose:
- 1. Hold two academic conferences (Fall and Spring), group sessions, lectures, and other events.
- 2. Suggest future research directions.
- 3. Provide educational and training courses for students and researchers.
- 4. Publish conference abstracts, newsletters, and other materials.
- 5. Grant awards to academics and young researchers.
- 6. Conduct social, congratulatory, and condolence events for members.
- 7. Strive for improving members’ rights and interests.
- 8. Promote international academic activities and exchanges.
- 9. Establish the Korea Chapter of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM).
- 10. Carry out other functions required to accomplishing the Society’s purpose.
Article 5. Categories
Members are classified as regular, associate, honorary, sponsoring, and international.
Article 6. Selection and Qualifications
Members of all categories are approved by the Board of Directors.
- 1. Regular: Those holding the Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent qualifications, who are carrying out research activities in human brain mapping, and who are current in their membership dues.
- 2. Associate: Those who support the Society’s goals, but have not obtained the degree qualifications for regular membership, such as those holding higher degrees who are not actively engaged in research, students, and research technicians, who are current in their membership dues.
- 3. Honorary: Those with meritorious service in the Society’s development.
- 4. Sponsoring: Individuals or organizations who provide material support to the Society.
- 5. International: Those with the interests and professional qualifications of regular members, who reside overseas.
Article 7. Application for Membership
- 1. Regular, Associate, and International applicants require submission of application accompanied with annual membership fee.
- 2. Honorary and Sponsoring members who are nominated by the Board of Directors shall submit application forms.
- 3. All applications are reviewed by the Board of Directors, and confirmed by a vote of two-thirds or more of the attending Directors.
Article 8. Rights and Obligations of Membership
- 1. Members shall have priority over non-members to participate in the various academic activities and events hosted by the Society.
- 2. Only regular members shall have voting rights and eligibility to serve as Representatives or on the Board of Directors.
- 3. All members receive magazines, newsletters, and other publications published by the Society.
- 4. All members shall comply with the rules, pertinent provisions, and resolutions of the Society.
- 5. Members shall comply with the obligation to pay membership fees. Exempted from fees are honorary and sponsoring members, as well as members aged 65 or older.
Article 9. Disqualification
Any member to which the following is applicable shall have membership revoked by a vote of the board of directors.
- 1. One who commits an act in breach of the Society’s purpose or disgraces the Society’s integrity.
- 2. One who fails to pay annual membership fees for three consecutive years without justifiable cause.
Article 10. Organization and Terms of Office
- 1. One President
- 2. Two Vice Presidents: one for basic science research and one for clinical research
- 3. One Chairperson of the Board of Directors
- 4. Up to fifteen Directors
- 5. Two Auditors
- 6. Approximately fifty Representatives
- 7. All officers serve a two-year term, and must be active members during their terms.
Article 11. Elections
- 1. The term of an officer shall begin from the expiration of the general assembly of the annual meeting.
- 2. The President, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, and Auditors shall be elected during the meeting of Representatives.
- 3. The Vice President shall be appointed by the President.
- 4. Directors shall be appointed by the Chairperson.
- 5. The President and the Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall be elected one year before their terms begin.
Article 12. President
The president shall perform the following duties:
- 1. Represent the Society.
- 2. Convene and chair the meeting of representatives.
- 3. Head the general assembly and regular academic conference.
- 4. Serve as the President of the Korea chapter of the OHBM.
- 5. The President cannot concurrently serve as chairperson.
Article 13. Vice President
The Vice President shall assist the president, and when the latter is absent, act on behalf of the president. In the absence of the President, priority is given to the Vice President of the same division (i.e., clinical or basic science) as the President.
Article 14. Auditor
The auditor shall audit the Society’s affairs and finances, and report the results at the Meeting of Representatives.
Article 15. Chairperson of the Board of Directors
- 1. The Chairperson shall oversee the Society’s affairs, and preside over meetings of the Board of Directors.
- 2. The Chairperson shall serve as the Secretary of the Korea chapter of the OHBM.
Article 16. Directors
- 1. The Director of General Affairs shall oversee general office affairs, records, dispersal of funds, and other business practices of the Society, and also serve as Treasurer of the Korea chapter of the OHBM.
- 2. The Director of Planning shall plan the Society’s long-term projects, and oversee external events other than academic conferences.
- 3. The Director of International Affairs shall oversee the Society’s international academic exchanges.
- 4. The Director of Academic Affairs shall oversee the Society’s academic activities.
- 5. The Director of Publication shall oversee matters related to official publications of the Society.
- 6. The Director of Public Relations shall oversee promotion and publicizing of the events of the Society to the public and to other academic societies.
- 7. The Director of Education shall oversee matters related to the Society’s education of students, researchers, residents and engineers.
- 8. The Director of Information shall oversee matters related to the Society’s website and other vehicles of information.
- 9. The Director of Research and Development shall oversee matters related to the Society’s R&D.
- 10. The Director of External Affairs shall oversee matters related to cooperation with external entities, including industrial-academic collaborations.
- 11. The Director of Finance shall oversee matters related to the Society’s finances.
- 12. The Director of Organization shall oversee the Society’s membership management functions.
- 13. Directors without assignment may aid other directors, or take on special assignments as needed.
- 14. Each Director may form a subcommittee with permission from the Board of Directors.
Article 17. Advisers and Consultants
- 1. One who has contributed to the Society’s advancement, or is needed for that purpose, may be nominated as an Adviser or Consultants.
- 2. Nomination or termination of Advisers shall be approved by the President, and approved at a meeting of the Representatives.
- 3. Consultants are nominated by the Chairperson of the Board of Directors for a term of two years, and approved by the Board of Directors.
Article 18. General Assembly: Convening Meetings
- 1. The regular general assembly of members shall be held during the Fall semi-annual conference, and its decisions approved by a majority vote of attending members.
- 2. A special general assembly shall be convened by the President for the following circumstances:
- 1) When there is a request from a fifth or more of Regular Members.
- 2) When there is a request from the Board of Directors.
- 3) When there is a request from the Meeting of Representatives (see Articles 21 - 23).
Article 19. General Assembly: Functions and Operation of Meetings
- 1. The President shall preside over meetings of the General Assembly.
- 2. The General Assembly has the power to revoke the appointment of the current President or Chairperson of the Board of Directors.
- 3. The Representatives and the Board of Directors shall present to the General Assembly reports on important issues or decisions.
Article 20. Board of Directors: Convening Meetings and Function
- 1. The Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall convene and preside over a meeting of the Directors four times or more each year.
- 2. A meeting of the Board of Directors requires attendance of the majority of Directors, and any decisions require approval of two-thirds of the attending Directors.
- 3. When recognized as needed by the Chairperson, or if a request is made by the majority of Directors, a special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be convened.
- 4. The board of directors shall carry out the following functions:
- 1) Review membership qualifications.
- 2) Nominate Sponsoring and Honorary members.
- 3) Review work plans and finances.
- 4) Ratify nominated members of each committee and business plan.
- 5) Review organizational structure and establish pertinent regulations.
- 6) Prepare for academic conferences and workshops.
- 7) Establish research committees or special committees (See Article 24).
- 8) Oversee commendations or disciplinary actions.
- 9) Propose revisions to the bylaws.
Article 21. Representatives: Appointment
- 1. There shall be approximately 50 Representatives, chosen from among the regular members.
- 2. The President presides over the meeting of Representatives.
- 3. The President, Vice President, Advisors, and all members of the Board of Directors shall serve as representatives.
- 4. New Representatives are nominated by Regular Members, and appointed by the President.
- 5. The term of a Representative shall be two years.
Article 22. Representatives: Convening of Annual and Special meeting
- 1. The general Meeting of Representatives shall be held once a year, and special meetings at the demand of the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, the President, or a fifth of the Representatives.
- 2. A meeting requires attendance of a majority of all Representatives, and any decisions require consent of a majority of the attending Representatives. In case of a tied vote of the Representatives, the President shall have the deciding vote.
Article 23. Representatives: Meeting Agenda
The Representatives shall deliberate, resolve and approve the following matters at their meetings:
- 1. Approve revisions of bylaws proposed by the Board of Directors, as well as changes in rules, regulations, and provisions not specified in the bylaws.
- 2. Evaluate the final report of the Society’s finances, and approve the next budget.
- 3. Approve or reject officers from among those nominated (President, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, and Auditor).
- 4. Consider impeachment of officers.
- 5. Call for special meetings of the General Assembly.
- 6. Consider other required or delegated issues from the Board of Directors and General Assembly.
Article 24. Special Committees
Special committees may be established by the Board of Directors to implement necessary projects for the Society’s development, and for the benefits and interests of its members.
Article 25. Income
- 1. The Society’s finances shall be funded from annual membership dues, registration fees, and contributions.
- 2. The Society’s fiscal year shall commence on the day following the end of the Fall academic conference, and end on the last day of the following Fall conference.
Article 26. Expenditures
The Society’s expenditures shall be kept within the range of the budget resolved by the Meeting of Representatives, and if the range is to be exceeded, approval is needed from a Meeting of Representatives.
Article 27. Budget Approval
Settlement of income and expenses for the current year and planned budget for the next year shall be prepared by the Chairperson of the Board of Director, and approved at the Meeting of Representatives.
Article 28. Initial Practices and Actions Taken
- 1. Matters not defined by the Society bylaws shall follow generally accepted practices.
- 2. These bylaws shall take effect from the organization meeting of Nov. 29, 2002.
- 3. Initial representatives shall be chosen from the organizing members.